Saturday, August 4, 2018

When social media makes you less social.

This past week I deleted my social media. Well the apps not my accounts. I'm not a CAVEMAN.

I was sitting in church last Sunday and a man spoke on the POSITIVES and NEGATIVES of social media. He told us how he had challenged himself to stay off social media. Then he talked about how when he was out at some exciting thing and he was thinking about how he wanted to put it on social media so that people would know....I've done this SO many times.
I had a stirring in my heart and I knew it was time to go.

I was scrolling HOURS A DAY.
I would post and refresh and watch the likes come in.
I was living my life so that people knew I was living my life.
I wasn't in the real world.

A few months back I spoke about unfollowing people who make you feel envious or like you don't have enough. (If you didn't read it, here it is.)

That wasn't it this time. It was simply that I was SO distracted, I needed to unplug.
I needed to get back to REAL LIFE.

Here's what happened this week while I was off social media: 
-My family said "Wow you weren't on your phone this whole time we were together."
-I felt less anxiety. I felt like I got a whole other day put into my week.
-I wrote a really long letter to a friend & got it in the mail. I felt like I finally had the time.
-I went to pick up my phone and try to go to my apps multiple times the first few days.
Not so much anymore.
-I played with my kiddo more.
-My husband felt more loved because I was actually with him and not on my phone.
-Nobody missed me. And I totally lived. Lol

So here is the plan! People have reached out and said, "We wanna see your baby!"
Not me LOL.
So every Sunday, I'll have a blog post up and I'll check and see who got engaged and married and had a baby and came up with a funny meme.

Here's what happened this week. 

Baby Stoic turned 6 months old! 
He is an absolute dream. He is SO SMILEY.
(When I say crawling...I mean scooting. He looks a little man who is coming off tranquilizer.)

We say to each other every single day, "That boy makes me so happy."
He brings so much joy and laughter and fun to our family.

He also had his first night in his new his own room. 
Broke my mom heart.
Also.......I thought of EVERY scary movie moment I've ever seen that happens on a baby monitor as I got up in the pitch black multiple times a night for this kid....Pray for me.

I bought a new car! 
I was hesitate sharing this because I never want to seem brag-a-docios.
But I was upside down on my car for FOREVER and paying 8.75% interest rate so if you were jealous, now you can feel better that I was an idiot for so long lol.
So I am the proud owner of a new Jeep Renegade (of which our interest rate is 3.79% and 100$ a month less payment LOL) "I'm a big kid now." I hope you sang that like the commercial.
Praise the good Lord for this blessing.
(Funny story, I only went in because I got a mailer for Jeep and I "won a prize" so I went in like a cheap wad to collect it....and bought a car....I'm a SUCKER...but I got a $5 Target gift who is the real winner

I got a new calling in church and I am a MiaMaid's advisor.  
Which means I get to spend 3rd hour with the young women in the ward 14-15. I am excited to learn from them. I am excited to get my Young Women's medallion haha! I'll keep you updated.

We went swimming & Stoic LOVED IT. 
He swam like Michael Phelps and splash liked a maniac.
I wish I took pictures of all of it but we were both in the water.
We got a family pic though :)

Life is good over here in Buhl land. Talk soon.
xo Kels


  1. Your such the perfect mommy and wife. Keep it up. You rock

  2. It is good to use social media without getting used BY social media! Moderation in most things... love your plan and the Holy Spirit whispering to you. I recognize aspects of myself in your comments so apparently the Holy Spirit is whispering to me too! ❤️❤️❤️
