Friday, August 3, 2018

Don't marry someone who makes you laugh.

Being pregnant has been WILD. My entire marriage, I've been pregnant.
It's actually been quite the push into reality for Justin & I. We were married 3.5 weeks when I found out. 
And ever since then it's been a freaking roller coaster. I must say it has truly made me fall into a whole other level of in love with this sweet man. 
I'd tell you how good he is but it'd be brag-a-docious and you wouldn't believe me anyways. ;)
I'm one day away from my due date. WHAT!!! 
I failed on taking pictures (I waited until three days ago to take my maternity photos and canceled because I'm huge and nothing looked good.)
But I at least want to be good about recording my feelings (and new found wisdom) about this pregnancy.
First, a Q&A and then I'm getting real about pregnancy....real like I wish I would have been informed a long long time ago. Lol
How far along are you: 40 weeks exactly.
Cravings: PIZZA. I don't think that's pregnancy though. Lol Also I can't get enough orange juice...I feel like a vampire drinking blood, no joke. 
I pretty much want to eat everything, all the time...
Sleep: I sleep like a baby. I get up 2-3 times a night to pee but I fall right back asleep. I have a HORRIBLE nerve pain every time I move, but luckily doesn't keep me from sleeping.
Baby Movement: He is wild. I feel like he knows he's too big to come out "downstairs" so he's clawing his way out through my stomach. Or he's a his dad....
How are you feeling: I feel NERVOUS AS HELL. I am so scared to push this baby out. I have to remind myself daily that it's been done before and I will be fine........sos....
Favorite Moment: Whenever Baby Buhl is kicking and causing me pain, Justin goes up to my belly and says "Baby, don't hurt your mom!" We're already parenting as a unit. Lol
Stretch Marks: I am WRECKED. Let's just say that.
Belly button In or Out: It's out most of the time.
Miss anything: Moving around, not feeling like a whale. Also I miss not having back pain.
Looking forward to: Meeting this little guy. How big will he be?! Will he have blonde hair!!!? Will he be 6 pounds or 10 pounds?!

Here Are Some Thoughts I Have Had, Questions I Have Asked My Self, And Moments Don't Want To Forget...

"Will I ever get to laugh again without the fear of completely emptying my bladder?"
I have completely, 1000% empty, full blown peed my pants 3 times. 
All three times Justin was involved and made me laugh. I cannot even explain peeing your pants as an adult lol. 
The first time it was just the two of us and I was like half embarrassed, half horrified. 
Justin immediately tried to help me clean up THE PUDDLE ON THE FLOOR, and I said YOU'RE NOT CLEANING MY PEEEEEEEEE. 
It was really funny.
Now when I pee my pants, its just another day another dollar.
"Why did I refuse to wear lotion for 25 straight years?"
I never wear lotion except to rid myself of ashy legs on the way to church. This is a horrible mistake. 
While your skin is expanding, it needs to be moisturized...mine has been dry for 25 years. This is a stretch mark breeding ground.
I am ABSOLUTELY COVERED. From boob to calves...yeah I'm not joking. I think I've had one good tear up over it and made peace with it. 
If Justin had ever said ONE thing about them, I think it would have sent me the other way, but he is so good to me. I say, holy HECK they are SO BAD
Every time he just says, you're beautiful. I appreciate that. It's made all the difference.
Words really matter, I'm thankful for his daily build ups when I feel like a small cow. 
Oh & by the way...the second I can I am getting these bad boys LAZERED OFFFFFFF. 
I've come a long way but I'm still vain. LOL
Don't believe everything you hear about pregnancy.
Every pregnancy is different, so take it as it comes. 
I heard the last trimester gets tough and and sleep is horrible and you can't wait to push baby out. 
None of this is true for me, my 3rd trimester has been a DREAM. 
I sleep like 9 hours ever night. I am doing good, I could keep doing this! Plus you look obviously pregnant so people are so nice to you. Haha!
I never want to do a first trimester EVER AGAIN, but 3rd I can handle. 
I decided my third was gonna be good and I was going to be grateful and it was. 
Not that will power always works, cause it did NOTHING my first 14 weeks lol.
Is there other way to get this kid out or can I just raise him from my uterus?
I mentioned this before but I am SCAREDDDDDDDDD of birthing this baby. I really am. 
You don't know WHEN it's coming, so that scares me. And you've never experienced it before, so that scares me too. 
So I'll let you know if my fears were warranted or if I was being a big babbbbyyyyyyyyyy. Probably the first one. Ha!
"Who should I believe, the woman who said I am petite cute little pregnant lady or the woman who asked me if I was having twins?"
LOL. Guys. Whatever you look like pregnant, come to peace with it. Somedays I feel the size of a small boat...most days...I've made peace with it. 
Take people's compliments and comments in stride. The most important thing is not that I went from 117 to 161 pounds (I say I'm gonna be real, so there's my transparency), it's that I GREW A FREAKING HUMAN. Yay me!!!!!
Ps second the baby comes out, time to get my butt in gear. Once again, still vain. LOL
My dad brought all my childhood stuffed animals & I'm in Heaven...
Im really excited to post what labor is like. And if all the money we've spent on gadgets and high tech baby stuff works out. 
And tell you how breastfeeding is...and tell you what it's like to snuggle a little baby human whom I get to love forever ever feels like. 
Motherhood is one heck of a thing.
Wish me luck.
xo Kels 

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