Friday, August 3, 2018

All dogs go to Heaven.

My sweet dog of 12 years old passed away yesterday.
It was unexpected to me and it was pretty terrible. I am still really in shock.
But when I think about dogs...I think he put those on earth, just because He loves us so much. Type image caption here (optional)
Something about animals makes me feel close to Heaven. When I see a giraffe or a lion or a toucan or a peacock, 
I think of the creativity of our Father in Heaven.
But when I think of dogs, I think of how much Heavenly Father  loves us.
I am slightly obsessed with pictures of her sleeping. So cute I cant.
I got my first dog, Tally, when I first moved to Las Vegas in 7th grade. We got her at 8 weeks old. 
She was the only little black chihuahua in the bunch. The first 3 nights she cried and cried in her giant kennel and I thought, 
"Oh no, this was the worst choice ever!"
But then quickly she became the favorite member of our family. 
I think we got along so well because we were so alike. Her favorite things were to eat, snuggle, tan in the sun, and play. 
And at 4 pounds her whole life, she was the cutest little player in the world.
She was just the most chill happy dog in the world and only wanted to spend time with the people she loved. 
Which she got to do every single day! I love thinking of that.
I have to stop and think of how divinely interrupted everything was. 
(Someone once said to me, "You MORMONS think everything has God involved..." LOL Well sue me, I do.)
A few years back I developed an allergy to dogs which made my eyes swell and itch like the dickens within the hour.
Luckily my grandma was living alone at the time and was IN LOVE with my dog, so she stayed with her.
When my grandma moved into with my mom, so did Tally! 
So Tally's circle became my grandma, my mom, my moms fiance Tom (dog hater turned dog lover), and ME!
A few days ago Tally's breathing became really heavy consistently.
My grandma spent the days with her, watching her. Tally was spoiled and has a bed in every room so she is never alone. Ha! 
The past two nights, my mom slept with her to keep an eye on her. 
Yesterday she went out and slept in the sun with Tom while he built his garden planter.
Everyone got to spend a little time with her on her lasts days...

And then me. I see her at least two times a week when I got to my families house. 
I felt strongly yesterday to pick her up and take her to the vet right after church. 
I picked her up and she was totally herself. Her breathing was horrible but I walked in and she popped out of her bed for me to pick up.
I carried her and loaded her up in the car and got to pet her the whole way there. 
She just stared at me and was content in the sunshine of the car.
I carried her in, carried her back. I held her and got to talk with her until the vet came back. 
The vet knew immediately that she was in heart failure. I felt strongly that this was the last time I would get to see her. 
The vet took her back for xrays and I cried in prayer not knowing what to say. 
I knew not to pray for her to live. I prayed for comfort for our dog. For our family. I prayed a prayer of gratitude for 12 years with a little piece of Heaven.
She took her back for xrays and she passed away. 
My mom and Tom met me there to say their goodbyes.
What would have been more normal is my mom to have taken her to the vet.
But some how some way, I was the one. I will be eternally grateful for that goodbye. 
I was be eternally grateful for the peace I felt during that prayer, even with all I sorrow I felt and feel. 
I am so thankful for the 13 years I got with this dog. She has swelled my heart time and time again just with her little face. 
She has sat with me during boredom, during tears, during all of it. 
Dogs are pure love and I think that's why I love them so much. 
I will be forever thankful for my time with this angel. 
I can't even wait till I get to snuggle her again.
Dog's lives are too short. Their only fault really. 
xo Kels 

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