Sunday, August 16, 2020

Arlos 1st Birthday Party

 My baby is ALMOST 1 years old. I cannot even believe it. We threw his party a week before his birthday, because we were going to be out of town on his actual birthday, and it was such a wonderful day. 

The boy is such a special kid. 

He is so independent, yet if he even senses that you are coming to sit on the floor at his level, he will lightening crawl over to you to start climbing up your entire body like a octopus. Lol 

He LOVES TOY STORY and will sit through the entire movie. All 4 of them. 

Arlo also has the biggest lips I've ever seen on a baby and pushes them out whenever he is thinking. 

It's hard to be the center of attention around an energetic toddler (Stoic Buhl lol) and Lou is truly the perfect addition to the family. He brings us so much joy. 

And he sleeps 12 hours a night, so obviously, he's my favorite child. HA! Kidding, I don't have favorites ;) 

Because his favorite movie is SO clear, we threw a TOY STORY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!

I really really love throwing parties. I am no professional, but I can absolutely get on Pinterest and copy, so I pick a theme and go at it! I really don't think there is a detail too small to add to a party. Just adds to the fun, even if only I notice it LOL. 
I created an Amazon list for your guys with all my favorites things (board games, kid stuff, party supplies) so if there is anything you see that you love, you can find it there. 

The little Army men were "crawling" all over the house. 

I have grown quite fond of doing balloon arches. I cannot help it but make one for every occasion lol. 
God bless Justin for helping ha! 

Cutie Pax. 

Leah, Justin's sister, made these and I am obsessed with EVERYTHING she does!!! 
She did such an incredible job! Click here to see her stuff or order some cookies :) 

Arlo's bff Ezra Parrish. 

I made this little highchair runner and I am so proud LOLOL. 

Started the army guys outside + added in some cutie footprints. 

We did our traditional "FIRST BIRTHDAY BINGO" and it's my absolute favorite. 
If you haven't played Bingo in a while, I suggest it. Get a competitive group, makes it way more fun lol. 

So grateful for all those, present and not, who love my sweet boy. 
There is nothing that brings me more jo that seeing my children surrounded by people who love them. 
One more week then he is ONEEEEEEE. My mom heart.

xo Kels 

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