Saturday, August 11, 2018

Living for the weekends.

I think living for the weekends means your weekdays aren't good. That isn't the case at all.
I really love my job (and I only work 3 days). And we plan fun stuff for during the week.
But I really love the weekends.

Saturdays are our days we spend as a family of 3. We love it. 
We pretty much do the same thing every Saturday. 
Wake up early. 
Get breakfast. 
Look at houses. 
Run errands. 
Watch a movie...or the Office. 

We joke that Stoic will look back at his childhood and complain that all we did was go look at model homes. LOL! 

Today, we looked at Open Door homes (this app that sells houses and you can use the app to open the door without an agent...its cool.) and then went to Star Nursery. Justin gardens and I love it. 
Stoic on the other hand looked like he was ready to go home. Lol

We needed a chill Saturday because Friday we had a Secret Hitler Tournament which was the opposite of chill. Here is the score board. I lost so I don't know why I'm even posting this....

If you ever want to take us on...let me know Ha!

I made it another week and stayed off my social media. It's been good!
Surprising easier than I expected but I'm writing this Saturday night and cannot WAIT for tomorrow morning to get on.

Life is good. And you should watch Castle Rock on Hulu.
Talk soon. xo Kels 

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