Friday, August 3, 2018

One resolution to make and KEEP if you want to be happy this year.

I am alive! & I have this beautiful new blogging space.
My friend Eli Atkins is a really talented web designer and made this an amazing space for me to write my thoughts.
If you need any type of web design or website, he is your go to!
I am THREE WEEKS from having a baby boy! Technically I could be 3 hours away...but I hope it's 3 weeks.
I have lots of things to prepare, I feel like I can't read enough material, or watch enough videos.
I also am sleeping about 9 hours a night and I'm not ready to give it up LOL.
I have been away from blogging for a bit but I will slowly be catching up and filling in all the things I've missed...girls trips, holidays, all the stuff I want to document.
But I want to come back to my little space in the internet with something I have realized and want to share.
I implore you to consider what I am about to say and take action.
So here it is:


Let me tell you what made me come to this conclusion (that I should have come to along time ago).
I would start my day feeling full of gratitude. I loved my little home. I loved my new $30 shoes. I loved my 2010 Prius. I felt so grateful for everything, because I truly have so much.
I would see a homeless person on the street or a video about someone less fortunate and my heart would mourn for them, and swell with confusion and gratitude why I was given a life with so much. I would say my prayers with my husband each night and have to cut short my list of things I am grateful for so that our prayers weren't an hour long.

And Then I Would Open Instagram...

Instantly I was filled with envy. It seemed like EVERYONE had more than me.
If I could JUST get to stay home all day and blog.
If I could JUST be as fit and in shape as the women I saw.
If I could JUST have the home that my old acquaintance just built.
If I could JUST get all the free stuff that all these bloggers get sent to them in the mail.
Then I would be happy. As happy as I was 5 minutes before I saw all those things.
You have GOT to set yourself free from all of the things that are making you think you don't have enough.
That are making you think you yourself are not enough.
That are making you think that all the blessings in your life are only second best to what other people have. It's just not true. 
It has to stop.
I, today, am unfollowing all the people who make me feel like what I have, isn't enough.
I challenge you to do the same.
Maybe you have to unfollow me! And that is totally okay.
If I am triggering something in you, then cut me the heck OUT!
Or call me and I'll get real with you. Haha
We all have things we desire. We all are missing things in our lives...some big, some little. There are people out there who have more than us...
News flash to myself. Someone will ALWAYS have more than me. Unless you're Oprah or Bill Gates, someone will probably always have more than you too.
But come on! Even they have crappy days, I'm sure of it! We all have highs and lows. We all have good and bad.
The only way to keep trucking along with joy is to focus on the highs and the good.
So start fresh. Clean up your life, whatever that looks like to you, and start fresh tomorrow.
I love you all too much.
xo Kels 

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