Friday, August 3, 2018

Stoic Von Buhl - Birth Story.

Finally I am writing the story of this sweet boys entrance into the world.
was born February 1, 2018. He was 8 pounds 3 ounces (yikes) and 20.5 inches long.

It all started that Thursday morning at 4:30am when I felt the contractions. For those who worry (like I did) that you wont know you're in will know.
I had had Braxton Hicks randomly, but the contractions came on and felt like bad cramps consistently every about 5 minutes.
I wanted to be sure that I was in labor ENOUGH to get to stay, I didn't want to get sent home.
So I hopped in the bath and fought those contractions for two hours. Haha! It wasn't terrible.
The second you feel them, start your count. One, two, three... They never lasted more than 15 seconds.
I can handle 15 seconds. I tracked the contractions on the Baby Center app and when they were about 4 minutes apart, I packed up and off we went.
We made it to the hospital at 7:00am and we went straight back to triage (which is a miracle, it's the busiest hospital in town).
Triage is where they check your contractions and how far dilated you are to see if you are in "active labor". I was only at a three but since I was past my due date, they let me stay. I would have DIED going home with those contractions.
We will let the video speak from here LOL!


Guys I can't even with this video, I make myself laugh hahaha.
The funny part was is when I stopped filming is when things derailed a little.


A few hours after the epidural I started feeling a MEGA cramp in my left bum cheek. It was painful but I couldn't move myself to get comfortable.
I mildly freaked out in my head because I shouldn't have been feeling anything AND I couldn't move!
They pumped more epidural in twice and nothing happened....still pain. This is about 5pm ish.
Then it alllllll went downhill.
At this point I was out of epidural medication to pump in (I had used it all). As well, I needed the catheter REINSERTED because it has shifted to the right, which is why I was only getting the medicine on one side.
BUT there is one ONE anesthesiologist on staff...and he was in back to back emergency c-sections.
So slowly but surely, as I was further dilating and contractions were coming on stronger, the epidural was going BYE BYE.
By the time I hit a full 10, I felt it ALL. All the contractions at their maximum fierceness. It felt like a bad dream.
I had Justin, my mom and my mother in law with me and it truly was the dream team.
I just sat there dumbfounded because I had CHOSEN an epidural and where the heck was it LOLOL.

Then It Was Pushing Time.

Cue Panic. Ha! Right before we pushed I had gotten really nauseous from the medication and threw up (the worst).
Then the doctor comes in and we got going.
BY THE GRACE OF GOD I was still numb from my lady parts to my bum so I couldn't quite feel where I was pushing.
They said I did good, but I think I sucked at pushing. I couldn't feel where to push!
You're supposed to push like your pooping but since I'm a lady and never pooped before I couldn't quite get it ;) LOL
Then I got SUPER nauseous again WHILE pushing and had to pause to throw up after pushing for like 30 minutes.
As my whole body is contracting to throw up (ps I'm cocked over to the side, throwing up while laying on my back, so weird), the baby SHOOTS OUT!!!!! I literally threw him a way. Ha! At 10:33pm,


Birth is a crazy thing. I was scared as could be every step of the way but I kept my composure and I am proud of that.
I have never been more proud of myself for anything, you would have thought I was the first woman to ever do this LOL.
But come on ladies, this is freaking BADDDDDDD ASSSSSSSSSSSSS. Pardon my french. No other way to describe it.
Worth all the pain. All the stretch marks. All the weight added to my behind. All the pennies. All of it.
I love being this guys mom. I love my family. My heart is full.
Xo Kels


How do I feel about Epidurals now?
I am still PRO EPIDURAL. This is completely based on my opinion with absolutely no medical research whatsoever.
God bless women who go natural. It never was something I wanted to do. And that's okay. Let's cut out the mom shame, okay?
If not, I'm gonna start shaming women who go natural, the lunatics. LOL Kidding.
The epidural was totally fine. It wasn't anymore painful that any shot I've ever had. I didn't look at the needle but it felt the same.
What do I actually need to bring to the hospital?
I read every single Pinterest post on what to bring...I brought it all. This is what I actually needed.
I needed the Depends diapers I packed for after birth. Haha! I used them for two weeks and they served me well.
The hospital will give you mesh underwear and a MEGA pad. Diaper is so much betterrrrrr. You're all secure.
I brought my coziest blanket as well as a pillow. I was so glad. My husband brought the same and we were as comfy as could be!
I purchased and packed mens boxer briefs to go over the ever so flattering adult diaper and I have been wearing them ever since. They are the best!
I packed a outfit me me to go home in, it was just cute sweats.
For the baby, we brought two oneies, his go home outfit, a swaddle and a baby blanket.
Most importantly, I packed my charger with a mega long cordDO NOT FORGET THIS.
I also brought a nice soap for the bathroom HAHA!!
They give you SO MUCH STUFFFFFFFF at the hospital. It made me feel like I do when I steal the lotions and trial size crap form the hotels I go to LOL.
They give you all the stuff you need to heal from your new wound. Tons of wipes and diapers. Baby soap and bulbs. More stuff I'm even forgetting.
They take care of you. Pack less and take ALL the stuff they give you. They want you to take it.
What the heck is an Episiotomy? Does it hurt?
It is when they cut you to make more room for the baby when they suppose you will tear.
It is the most painful part of this whole ordeal. Oh. My. Gosh. I'm on week 5 of recovery and I'm still in some dull pain.
Avoid the Episiotomy. Google how to do so. It takes some preparation but if I had known I would have done it.
What does a hospital room look like?
We got the handicap room (only one open) so it was HUGE!!!! We were so spoiled. I loved it.
I took pictures as I left before I could clean so don't judge Haha!
Make sure you take the hospital tour before you go. The less unknowns the better.

 The tv had Bravo...Bless Summerlin Hospital. The tv had Bravo...Bless you Summerlin Hospital.
Bathroom to the left. Private to our room of course.

Should you pack snacks? What's the food like?
We packed snacks for Justin and he was happy to have them but weren't needed. Every hospital has a food court and I was happy with it!
My mom & his mom kept Justin well fed...while I ate ice chips. HA! But after the baby, I got DOWN!
They had the BEST breakfast burritos EVER. No joke. I might go back to the hospital for brunch one day lol.
Just eat the hospital food, not bad at all. They feed you every meal as well.
Tell me the truth Kels...did you poop?
Truth is....I didn't poop. It's because I sucked at pushing ha. My doctor said if people poop it's good because they are pushing in the right spot. And I never thought I'd say this.....I wouldn't have cared if did. Your mind is so many other places. Don't worry about the poop.
Visitors...when & where?
Everyone is different about visitors but I read once that the mother had everyone come to the hospital so I decided to do the same. IT IS THE BEST.
You are already there and you don't have to worry about anything, people just filter in and out.
When I got home, I seriously was in bed for days and having people come and stay seemed a little tiring. I didn't want people to see the dishes in my sink or my un-showered self.
It surprised me how many people wanted to come by! I felt so loved! I just was exhausted. Have as many people as possible visit the hospital!

Where did we get the name Stoic? Where did we get the middle name Von?
I heard the name Stoic from How to Train Your Dragon. Gerard Butler plays the Viking King Stoick.
I loved it and so did Justin. I always wanted to spell it the way the word is actually spelled. So Stoic it is!

As far as Von...The Buhl's used to be the Von Buhl's way back when. And it sounded perfect since the first time we said it.
So it stuck!
I cannot WAIT WAIT WAIT to tell you about his first month with us! It has been a dream. Talk soon.

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