Friday, August 3, 2018

Baby Gear! Must Have & Must Skips.

When you are having your first baby, you feel like you need EVERYTHING. At least I did.
I wanted every baby item and I wanted ten of them just in case.

I asked around a lot on what I needed & what I didn't, took some advice & ignored others and this is the list I have complied of PRODUCT REVIEWS.
(I linked everything but nothing is an affiliate link)

THE SNOO - $1160

This is not the proper use of the Snoo lol. When I sit next to him I just bundle him in blankets. Ha!

Let's just get the big purchase out of the way. I would NEVER suggest this item in general conversation because I know it is expensive. I would never casually recommend & assume that someone could drop a grand on a crib.
I would feel weird if someone said "Kelsie why are you carrying a Target purse, Gucci is way better!!"... It's awkward.  Haha!
BUT. I want to tell you about this thing NOT to brag AT ALL but purely to inform.
FIRST THING FIRST...we got it on sale 40% off. THEN they had a sale that made it $96 cheaper and I emailed them and they refunded me that. Lol
I love a discount. So we spent around 600 bucks. Still YIKES. (Do NOT spend full price, a discount always comes around)
This item has been the biggest most amazing blessing to me lol.
A short description, they call it a "night nurse". I guess wealthy people have night nurses to tend to their babies at night...must be nice. Lol
The Snoo has motion and sound that mimics the womb. When your baby cries, it adjusts it's speed and sound.
Your baby is in a zip up swaddle attached to the actual bassinet so they cannot flip over and they stay bundled. It's the safest way for them to sleep (my favorite feature).
Watch the video to see more.
It has been a dream. He sleeps so well and his sleep is extended ten fold. If he wakes himself up, the rocking puts him back to sleep.
It's also a hands free option when you want to set nugget down. I will put him in for a nap and it will rock him to sleep.
This item is not a necessity OBVIOUSLY. Babies have and will continue to thrive without it.
BUT I am for ANYTHING that gives mama a bit of her sanity (and sleep) back.
The two cons: Price & they can only use it until they are 6 months OR they can get on their hands and knees.
I know I will have more children, so for us it was worth it. If I was just having one...I would probably still get it and then sell it after HA!

The Owlet - $299

Once again, mothers around the world have lived without this item but for my SANITY, it was a MUST. 
If you are a low anxiety type person, this might not be a necessity. When I had baby, my anxiety SPIKED and this brought it back down to a normal level.

The Owlet is a monitoring "sock" you put on the babies foot and then the dock AND your phone will alert you if the babies heart rate OR oxygen levels go down.
We bought this item NIGHT TWO lol. The first night Justin and I both were hovering and poking him every time he was still for more than a minute.
I WAS SO PARANOIDDDDDDDD. I can actually function and sleep knowing nothing is going to happen without me knowing.
You really just spend $300 bucks for peace of mind. Worth every penny. 
Cons: Once again, pricey. The second con is I've heard people getting false alarms. This didn't happen to me luckily. The first night we didn't place it on properly and the alert notification went off (not the RED alert, just the placement alert) went off MULTIPLE times and it was annoying as heck for one night. But now that we place it correctly, we have no problems.


I asked about this on Facebook and the consensus was that it wasn't necessary. I agreed.
This was until the only time that my poor baby cried was when I changed his little bum!
I want you, the next time you have a wipe, to put it on your bare pisses me off too, they are freaking cold!
I had a Target giftcard so I got it and the crying is reduced.
Cons: It's not mobile, it only works for at home. This one has a "mister" so it doesn't dry them much.

The Dock-A-Tot - $175

The Dock-A-Tot was one of the first things I bought. It was on sale on Black Friday so I think I got it for like $120.
(Again, Do NOT spend full price, they always have $10 off)
This item is my least favorite of my favorite items. It serves the least purpose to me SO FAR.
We do not co-sleep AT ALL. I am too paranoid for that crap.
What I use this more mostly is a place to lay baby when I am not in the bedroom (where his Snoo is).
I bring him all around the house and lie him in this. Also when he start going to grandma's house for babysitting, I'll bring this so that they can lie him down.
I am glad I have it but I probably would have put the money to something else to be honest.
Cons: I got the white one (only one valid for the BF sale) and I have to keep something under his head or I would be washing the thing CONSTANTLY from spit up.
White is the WORST!!
I'll update my list as I continue to purchase & try new things :)


My take on hand me downs? TAKE THEM!!!!!!!!
I got Stoics full wardrobe from hand me downs and baby shower. We have purchased like 3 cute clothing items so far. 
I got my entire travel system (Car Seat, 3 bases and a stroller it attaches to) as a hand me down as well because my friend upgraded.
Of COURSE I would love to get the newest coolest prettiest carseat but being offered this travel system was a no brainer. Take it & save the money.
My friend was selling a BUNCH of baby stuff (burp rags, swaddles, clothes, blankets) for like $20 so I took it and it was the BEST purchase. I gave it all to my mom for when she babysits and it's been a dream to not have to pack much for him when he goes over there.
Long story short, of course brand new is fun. But don't turn your nose up to a good old hand me down. Sort through and take what you can use! Then donate the rest. All the items & outfits below are hand me downs!

Stroller that Carseat attached too YAS!
This church outfit :)
This outfit....STOP.

List Of What You Actually Need For A Newborn

-600 burp rags (kidding but not really)
-Long & Short sleeve onesies
-Diapers & Wipes (ASK FOR WIPES at your baby shower)
-A few need like 10 not 50.
-Soft Blankets, we love to be cozy!
-Patience and Humility lol
Everything else....foooogetttttabbbbdaaahhitttttt.
Xo Kels


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