Thursday, November 24, 2016

My Biggest Secret.

I joined a cult. 
I am now a LIPSENSE distributor. 
I don't know how to tell you I love it without sounding sales-y. 
But I am actually obsessed. Here is why. 

1. It saved my lips.
They used to cut Justin's face off and now they are are soft as a baby's bottom.
I literally think every company is lying until they prove me other wise. 
No joke, I have different lips. 
I used LIPSENSE and ONLY LIPSENSE for 5 days. &my lips are perfect for the first time. 

Day 1-3, my lips were peeling and I was gnawing off my lips. 
Then a miracle happened. They were soft as can be. Justin even said, "Kels your lips are super soft. "
He's never said that before because they never had been LOL. 

I have new lips and I am forever thankful. This is really the biggest reason I love it so much. 
Brittney wearing Praline Rose 
Alex wearing Fly girl

2. They make your lips look fuller and luxurious.
I put it on (onto my dry cracked lips) and my lips looked so good. 
They were glossy (I hate gloss but I actually liked this). And they were pigmented. 
It goes on so smoothly and there are colors for every skin tone. 
Even when I applied the matte, my lips just looked celebrity status. 

Me wearing First Love
Tasha wearing Raisin 

3. The color actually lasts. 
Day 1-3 of cracking, my lips were peeling by hour 4 so of course the color was going with it. 
But I kept on going with it. I only had one color but I kept wearing it day after day. 
Day four it literally lasted ALL DAY. I wore it and didn't check up on it. 

And I ALWAYS check on my lips because I have naturally red lips that need a color on them to calm them down. LOL But it stayed. 
It didn't get a really ugly line where your mouth opens (always happens with my Matte lipstick). 
Heal your lips, apply correctly, and you will have nice lips all day. 
 Becca wearing Violet
Bethanie wearing Gingerbread
Sarah wearing Pink Champagne

So I chose to get it at a discount & start a little baby business out of it. 
THERE IS NO BETTER TIME TO TRY IT OUT than right now because 
(You can purchase your deals Friday & then pick out your colors at the party Wednesday, where you can try everything on)

Also, I am having a LIPSENSE try on party, so that everyone can come and actually try the product. 
I thought everyone had already heard of it, but everyone hasn't so come on out! 
Everyone is invited! Message me for my address. DETAILS BELOW.

See you soon. 
Xo Kels

Ps Are my friends attractive or what? @chelseakissamphotography makes us all look so good. 

Monday, November 21, 2016

Bargain Blogger.

I am no queen of fashion. But I am queen of BARGAINS. Lol If you can't tell, I'm quite proud. 
Everyone deserves to be able to feel good about them selves, in clothes that they love. 
&not everyone has a huge budget for that. 
Thomas Monson's sweet wife said "When I pass away I want you to remember, I bought everything in this house on sale." :) I hope to say the same. Haha 

So here is a post with 5 TIPS to shopping smart. 

1. The "DO I REALLY LOVE THIS?" test.
My mom would always say this to me when we went shopping for me as a kid. She'd say, "Do you love it?" and I looked at the piece again and decided. 
Don't buy things you don't love. Look at the clothing and think, is this a wear once item or can I picture several outfits this works with. 
Is it a strong trend or a basic item that will be more timeless?
If you don't love it, put it back. 

2. Online shopping deals at quality stores. 
I love to online shop because it's like getting gifts. But I am only hunting in the sale section. 
The great thing about online shopping is their annoying emails they send you, &THEY COME WITH SALES. 
I always wait for my 40% off the sale section to shop at my favorite stores. 
My two go to's for this are Madewell & Jcrew. The quality of the clothes is better but your getting them at a lower price. Hold out for the sale if possible. It goes in order, 20%, 30% then 40% off sale items. WAIT FOR THE SALE. 
(Ps. I have a separate email for all my spam type stuff & I use Unrollme up to organize my emails. They put everything together in one email & unsubscribe you to anything you're sick of.) 

3. Use online sales, in store. (THIS IS A BIG ONE)
If you are going shopping in store, go to their website while you're in the store. 
90% of the time they have a online sale going on (20% off, 30% off, ect.) 
I will do all of shopping, then when I get to the register I say the following, 
"Hey there is a sale going on online, can you honor it in store? If not, no problem, I'll just order it online." 
I have NEVER been turned down. They ALWAYS honor it. It's amazing. 
Stores I have done this at are Old Navy, American Eagle (they are totally revamped, try them out) and JCrew Factory. 
Also, if you're a student, places have student discounts. 

4. Splurge on essential items. 
I have spent more money than I usually do on select items. 
I just bought a pair of jeans from Pink Desert for 60$ because they are such a good fit and no matter what top I'm wearing I feel confident. 
If there is an item that you KNOW is going to be crucial to your wardrobe and it's a perfect fit, splurge. 

5. Wait for the sale. 
Don't splurge if you don't have to, wait till it goes on sale.

Speaking of salllllllllles, the entire outfit in this post is going onsale at Pink Desert for Black Friday. 
Every item in the store is 25% off for their BLACK FRIDAY grand opening here in Las Vegas (you can also order online). 

Time to start shopping. 
Xo Kels 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Happy Sunday

A day late.
I am sitting in my bed getting tons and tons of work done because I am dying of sickness.
I don't HATE being sick because it gives me guilt free time to sit in bed and get things done.
But I'm officially over it pray for my healing.

Here are my favorite links of the week, they are so good you will die.

If anyone else lives in a world of paranoia, here are what burglars said about breaking into homes.

How to make yourself fall in love...or out of it.

Jim Carrey gives this amazement lesson on visualization and how we can gain what desire by it.

I think dogs are actually angels in dog bodies. There I said it. 

I'm think about just turning this into a blog about dogs cause I'm finding the sweetest videos 😹😭

Bodybuilders doing ballet.... oh yes that's real. 

If you haven't seen this video yet, shame on you. This will be me at 40...50...60..&90. 

Is any one else a big nerd for Jurassic Park? If this actually happens, I'm buying a flight to China NOW. 

Have a great week! 
Xo Kels 

Friday, November 11, 2016

People Are Good : Meet Biaggio

Sometimes I see all the pain and hurt in the world and it discourages me.
 I think, how could I possibly bring children into this MESS. 
How can I protect them, how can I protect myself?!
And then I really open my eyes & look around. There is so much GOOD. 
The trees. The sky. The dogs. Haha 
But my favorite creation of Heavenly Father, are the people. (I think we are His favorite too.) 
I'm starting this series called "People Are Good". 
I'll be getting to know all types of people, with successes in faith, business, marriage, family. All of it. 
&it'll all be recorded right here. I've always wanted to be the next Oprah;) 
So when life deems dreary and dark and I'm totally discouraged, I can be reminded. People are good. 

This series of incredible humans is starting off with a man name Biaggio who immediately inspired me by the enormous size of his heart. I met him a few years ago when I went into Biaggio’s Pizzeria,  which he owns, to get a slice of pizza (SHOCKER…Kelsie getting pizza).
As I was standing to pay, I looked and I saw pamphlets on the counter that spoke of Jesus Christ. I asked him about them and found out he was a member of the church.
He has been teaching me life lessons about Christ ever since.

He has owned 3 successful pizzerias here in Las Vegas and has owned Biaggio’s pizzeria for 6 years. He is a Latter Day Saint who wears Christ name upon him every single day.
He has fully sponsored, on his own dime, two of my charity events where we ate like kings.  
He gives all credit to Heavenly Father in all things. 
He said about himself that he chose to be a successful seed planter instead of a failed miracle worker.

I will forever love this sweet man with my whole heart and I’m so thankful he was placed in my life… to love me, to teach me, and to feed me the best darn pizza & garlic knots I’ve ever had.
Here are a few nuggets of wisdom he shared with me as we sat down... over some pizza and garlic knots. 

On opposition
“Heavenly Father grows us through opposition. He grows us, I mean He has too because there’s no good people out there to do anything. He’s gotta take you… this is what I’ve learned. I used to stay and wander in the wilderness. And now I go through with Him. Lead me guide me, walk beside me. Help me find the way. And I say okay Heavenly Father, let’s go. And I go through it. And I come out a better man on the other end. And I don’t die!”

On pain

“Set it aside till you can deal with it. The pain of forgiveness is far greater than the pain itself. It takes two cycles for the pain. It’s not what we do that kills us, it what we do to cover up the pain. So I’m just gonna be an example. I’m gonna follow Christ. Follow what He did and what He does.

On the point of the gospel
“The parables all come back to repent, love and forgive.”

On forgiveness
“Heavenly Father told me ‘I’m not saying Brother so&so was right, but you needed that jolt.’ I no longer stay mad; I no longer stay distracted.”

On what matters most
“You don’t need anymore knowledge. By the time you finish primary you have all the knowledge you need to return to your Father in Heaven. You do! We need revelation that we have a relationship with our Father in Heaven.”

On Christ's Character
"He spoke very little. At the most stressful time of his life, he utters the words Forgive them Father, they know not what they do."

How is the food so good?

“I use only the best ingredients. I have always done that and always will. It’s about how you treat people. I have people who make minimum wage who come in and spend 40 dollars on a meal here. It’s about how you treat people, everyone is family.”

“Just like Peter when Christ walked on water. When I take my eyes off Heavenly Father, I sink. Christ can save you from anything.” -Biaggio 

Thank you Biaggio. 
Xo Kels 

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Happy Sunday.

Another week gone. 
Life is flying by! Thanks for checking out my DATE CLUB post. 
Date Club was so fun, I hope it inspires you to take the reins in your own life! 

Enjoy your Sunday, rest & recover for the week! 
&Enjoy these fun internet finds I'm DYING over. 

I need this in my home. I am all about keeping a gun in the home but this make me feels safer. 

When I see things like this, I literally am moved to tears. Heavenly Father is quite the artist

If you need faith restored in humanity, this boy will do it. 

Words to remember. 

Have a great week. 
Xo Kels 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Date Club.

all about dating and date club and women asking men on a date and our experience with this experience

I feel like it’s been FOREVER since I have wrote! Days turn into weeks so fast around here.
Now I am BACK and I am excited for what is coming on KELSIEISHAPPY.
More dating chronicals of COURSE but some equally fun things are in the works! So stay tuned.

But for today on “The Dating Chronicles”, we are talking DATE CLUB.
Date club happened at the most opportune moment and is seriously too much fun.

Date Club was thought up during a girls night.
We were sitting out on the patio with 6 tubs of Ben&Jerry’s talking about life.
We were all single and we all wanted to go on more dates!! We were SICK of waiting for guys to ask us out and we wanted to plan fun things we wanted to do anyways!
So D A T E C L U B was born.

Date Club is simple.
1. Get a group of girl friends.
2. Choose an activity.
3. Ask a guy to be your date.
4. Have fun.

Now let’s break this down.

1. Get a group of girl friends.
We got all of our single friends together and put a date on the calendar to see who could make it. The point of this was to be very INCLUSIVE. If someone heard about it & wanted to come, THEY WERE IN. The point of this was to START DATING. I think almost every girl I know could use a date, so be inclusive!
NOTE: A group CAN be too big. So limit it from 5-9 girls (remember they are bringing dates).

2. Choose an activity.
We picked things that we WANTED TO DO! First date club we did a Baseball Game (the 51’s). All us girls bought the tickets & brought snacks! Then Bingo, that was my favorite. It was 20 bucks for both of us and we had a BLAST. Next we did TOP GOLF (you can learn more about this under lessons learned LOL). Then the last one we did, we rented a food truck to come to our houses and eat fun food. Honestly any activity is going to be fun. Think small. Don’t overdo it. There were 20 of us on this first date ðŸ‘‡ðŸ‘‡ðŸ‘‡

3. Ask a guy to be your date.
Have there been any guys who have had your eye? Ask them out.
Most of our girls texted something like,
“Hey! Want to be my date to Date Club?! A big group of us are going to the 51’s game and I’d love you to come with me! You free Thursday?”
Super chill. Number one rule of date club is talk about date club, FOR A REASON.
To make it seems casual and fun…because it is. It isn’t us girls choosing who we think we are going to marry and asking them out. Its us choosing someone fun and then doing something fun WITH someone fun. 

4. Have fun.
The point of this is to have fun. Have fun with your group and be a good date.
This is zero pressure situation. It’s to promote DATING.
(This was BINGO 👇👇👇) 

*  IT’S FREAKING HARD TO ASK A GUY OUT. I literally almost died the first time. MEN, I FINALLY FEEL FOR YOU. LOL It was hard. But once you do it once its like really no big.
I had a guy who was dating someone tell me no. Totally fine.
I had a guy who was busy that night but ended up taking me out a few weeks later.
Remember while your asking, you aren’t asking TO FIND A HUSBAND.
You're asking to have fun. So pick a guy who is fun. Think outside the box.
Who knows, maybe your date is a match for someone else!

*  Don’t go TOO BIG. You guys. We literally had 20 people in a 20 passenger van drive us to Top Golf then we ate at Top Golf and golfed. Then stopped by Mcdonalds before we got home.
It was TOO FREAKING MUCH. It was like prom. All of us girls paid (rule of Date Club) & we at least all dropped 100 bucks, AT LEAST. Never ever again.
The baseball game was better. 10 bucks a person (like I said, we prepaid) & we brought snacks. The guys offered to pay for any snacks at the game. Keep it SIMPLE.
(TOP GOLF date 👇👇👇)

* Once every other month is good enough. We tried to go every two weeks & we ran out of guys FAST. Don't go overboard. 

* This is not a hangout. The point isn’t to have a group activity, we do that all the time. The point is a date. Use the word date. BE a good date. Pay attention and get to know your person.
Don’t invite your best guy friend, that isn’t the point. This is a chance to date & get to know someone new. Find a date, or sit it out.

I really liked this season of the year because I swear I went on more dates in two months than I did in a year. I got to know guys and learn how to be a better date. It put me in situations where I needed to grow and get better at NEW relationship situations.
Our last date club, we had a couple of girls who hadn’t been on a date in a while. 
I had a girl SO NERVOUS to ask a certain guy, and once she did it, she felt SO EMPOWERED! THAT IS THE POINT !!!

So try it. Grab a few girlfriends and get Date Club started. Never know what might happen!

Xo Kels

Don't miss out on the rest of "The Dating Chronicles" series. Opener. Rejection. I thought I'd be married by now.