Friday, November 11, 2016

People Are Good : Meet Biaggio

Sometimes I see all the pain and hurt in the world and it discourages me.
 I think, how could I possibly bring children into this MESS. 
How can I protect them, how can I protect myself?!
And then I really open my eyes & look around. There is so much GOOD. 
The trees. The sky. The dogs. Haha 
But my favorite creation of Heavenly Father, are the people. (I think we are His favorite too.) 
I'm starting this series called "People Are Good". 
I'll be getting to know all types of people, with successes in faith, business, marriage, family. All of it. 
&it'll all be recorded right here. I've always wanted to be the next Oprah;) 
So when life deems dreary and dark and I'm totally discouraged, I can be reminded. People are good. 

This series of incredible humans is starting off with a man name Biaggio who immediately inspired me by the enormous size of his heart. I met him a few years ago when I went into Biaggio’s Pizzeria,  which he owns, to get a slice of pizza (SHOCKER…Kelsie getting pizza).
As I was standing to pay, I looked and I saw pamphlets on the counter that spoke of Jesus Christ. I asked him about them and found out he was a member of the church.
He has been teaching me life lessons about Christ ever since.

He has owned 3 successful pizzerias here in Las Vegas and has owned Biaggio’s pizzeria for 6 years. He is a Latter Day Saint who wears Christ name upon him every single day.
He has fully sponsored, on his own dime, two of my charity events where we ate like kings.  
He gives all credit to Heavenly Father in all things. 
He said about himself that he chose to be a successful seed planter instead of a failed miracle worker.

I will forever love this sweet man with my whole heart and I’m so thankful he was placed in my life… to love me, to teach me, and to feed me the best darn pizza & garlic knots I’ve ever had.
Here are a few nuggets of wisdom he shared with me as we sat down... over some pizza and garlic knots. 

On opposition
“Heavenly Father grows us through opposition. He grows us, I mean He has too because there’s no good people out there to do anything. He’s gotta take you… this is what I’ve learned. I used to stay and wander in the wilderness. And now I go through with Him. Lead me guide me, walk beside me. Help me find the way. And I say okay Heavenly Father, let’s go. And I go through it. And I come out a better man on the other end. And I don’t die!”

On pain

“Set it aside till you can deal with it. The pain of forgiveness is far greater than the pain itself. It takes two cycles for the pain. It’s not what we do that kills us, it what we do to cover up the pain. So I’m just gonna be an example. I’m gonna follow Christ. Follow what He did and what He does.

On the point of the gospel
“The parables all come back to repent, love and forgive.”

On forgiveness
“Heavenly Father told me ‘I’m not saying Brother so&so was right, but you needed that jolt.’ I no longer stay mad; I no longer stay distracted.”

On what matters most
“You don’t need anymore knowledge. By the time you finish primary you have all the knowledge you need to return to your Father in Heaven. You do! We need revelation that we have a relationship with our Father in Heaven.”

On Christ's Character
"He spoke very little. At the most stressful time of his life, he utters the words Forgive them Father, they know not what they do."

How is the food so good?

“I use only the best ingredients. I have always done that and always will. It’s about how you treat people. I have people who make minimum wage who come in and spend 40 dollars on a meal here. It’s about how you treat people, everyone is family.”

“Just like Peter when Christ walked on water. When I take my eyes off Heavenly Father, I sink. Christ can save you from anything.” -Biaggio 

Thank you Biaggio. 
Xo Kels 

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