Thursday, October 27, 2016

Date Club.

all about dating and date club and women asking men on a date and our experience with this experience

I feel like it’s been FOREVER since I have wrote! Days turn into weeks so fast around here.
Now I am BACK and I am excited for what is coming on KELSIEISHAPPY.
More dating chronicals of COURSE but some equally fun things are in the works! So stay tuned.

But for today on “The Dating Chronicles”, we are talking DATE CLUB.
Date club happened at the most opportune moment and is seriously too much fun.

Date Club was thought up during a girls night.
We were sitting out on the patio with 6 tubs of Ben&Jerry’s talking about life.
We were all single and we all wanted to go on more dates!! We were SICK of waiting for guys to ask us out and we wanted to plan fun things we wanted to do anyways!
So D A T E C L U B was born.

Date Club is simple.
1. Get a group of girl friends.
2. Choose an activity.
3. Ask a guy to be your date.
4. Have fun.

Now let’s break this down.

1. Get a group of girl friends.
We got all of our single friends together and put a date on the calendar to see who could make it. The point of this was to be very INCLUSIVE. If someone heard about it & wanted to come, THEY WERE IN. The point of this was to START DATING. I think almost every girl I know could use a date, so be inclusive!
NOTE: A group CAN be too big. So limit it from 5-9 girls (remember they are bringing dates).

2. Choose an activity.
We picked things that we WANTED TO DO! First date club we did a Baseball Game (the 51’s). All us girls bought the tickets & brought snacks! Then Bingo, that was my favorite. It was 20 bucks for both of us and we had a BLAST. Next we did TOP GOLF (you can learn more about this under lessons learned LOL). Then the last one we did, we rented a food truck to come to our houses and eat fun food. Honestly any activity is going to be fun. Think small. Don’t overdo it. There were 20 of us on this first date πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

3. Ask a guy to be your date.
Have there been any guys who have had your eye? Ask them out.
Most of our girls texted something like,
“Hey! Want to be my date to Date Club?! A big group of us are going to the 51’s game and I’d love you to come with me! You free Thursday?”
Super chill. Number one rule of date club is talk about date club, FOR A REASON.
To make it seems casual and fun…because it is. It isn’t us girls choosing who we think we are going to marry and asking them out. Its us choosing someone fun and then doing something fun WITH someone fun. 

4. Have fun.
The point of this is to have fun. Have fun with your group and be a good date.
This is zero pressure situation. It’s to promote DATING.
(This was BINGO πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡) 

*  IT’S FREAKING HARD TO ASK A GUY OUT. I literally almost died the first time. MEN, I FINALLY FEEL FOR YOU. LOL It was hard. But once you do it once its like really no big.
I had a guy who was dating someone tell me no. Totally fine.
I had a guy who was busy that night but ended up taking me out a few weeks later.
Remember while your asking, you aren’t asking TO FIND A HUSBAND.
You're asking to have fun. So pick a guy who is fun. Think outside the box.
Who knows, maybe your date is a match for someone else!

*  Don’t go TOO BIG. You guys. We literally had 20 people in a 20 passenger van drive us to Top Golf then we ate at Top Golf and golfed. Then stopped by Mcdonalds before we got home.
It was TOO FREAKING MUCH. It was like prom. All of us girls paid (rule of Date Club) & we at least all dropped 100 bucks, AT LEAST. Never ever again.
The baseball game was better. 10 bucks a person (like I said, we prepaid) & we brought snacks. The guys offered to pay for any snacks at the game. Keep it SIMPLE.
(TOP GOLF date πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡)

* Once every other month is good enough. We tried to go every two weeks & we ran out of guys FAST. Don't go overboard. 

* This is not a hangout. The point isn’t to have a group activity, we do that all the time. The point is a date. Use the word date. BE a good date. Pay attention and get to know your person.
Don’t invite your best guy friend, that isn’t the point. This is a chance to date & get to know someone new. Find a date, or sit it out.

I really liked this season of the year because I swear I went on more dates in two months than I did in a year. I got to know guys and learn how to be a better date. It put me in situations where I needed to grow and get better at NEW relationship situations.
Our last date club, we had a couple of girls who hadn’t been on a date in a while. 
I had a girl SO NERVOUS to ask a certain guy, and once she did it, she felt SO EMPOWERED! THAT IS THE POINT !!!

So try it. Grab a few girlfriends and get Date Club started. Never know what might happen!

Xo Kels

Don't miss out on the rest of "The Dating Chronicles" series. Opener. Rejection. I thought I'd be married by now. 


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