Sunday, February 2, 2020



My husband had one request this Disney trip. To get on the new Star Wars ride.
I have never felt so much pressure in my life.

I want to give you all the advice and all the knowledge, and hopefully peace of mind, because these are all the things I wish I would have known.
We got on the ride though! Honestly I think prayer had a lot to do with it.
If you're not the praying type, this might bring you to Jesus. Lol!

First off I read this. It's the Magical Kinda Mama overview and it's perfectly written.
I don't want to rewrite, I just want to add to it, so start there.

Here's the deal. There is ONE way to get on the ride, and that is to be in a boarding group.
You can join a boarding group from your phone as soon as the park officially opens and your ticket is checked into Disneyland. That means,
1. You cannot join early with Magic morning.
2. You cannot join from California Adventure.

I thought that if I was at Magic morning, I was in the park early and when the gates opened everyone would still need to scan their ticket to come in. WRONG.
Disney lets in guests to the park 10-15 minutes early then they line up on main street and are released to rides at 8am (or whenever it opens). So that means you and a million other people all have your tickets scanned in fighting for your boarding group slot.

Here is what to do. 
1. You have to be IN the park at opening. That means you have to come early.
Either go in with Magic morning OR be the first one in the gate at opening. Come at least an hour early, at LEAST. You got this.

2. Turn off Wifi and get on your phone and be ready (no rides, no nothing. just stare at your phone).
-All tickets linked to one phone.
-Signed into Disney app
-Looking at the app and the clock

3. RIGHT AT 8AM (or whenever) click join boarding group. It's a crap shoot from there.
If I could redo it, I would have closed the app before, watched the clock and opened the app at 8am then clicked join boarding group.

My phone didn't link right FOUR TIMES and I had to quit the app and restart and I got boarding group 120. I WAS SO ANNOYED. I felt like a toddler about to throw a tantrum, I was so sad LOL. I know how much Justin wanted to go on, and so did I!

This is where prayer and manifestation came into play hahhaha.

They guarantee up to boarding group 82 to ride the ride. But they keep going until midnight.
By the grace of GOD we were able to get on at 7:15pm. We were THRILLED! We were watching like a hawk to see when it would get there (it lets you know what group they are on).

But, as I type this, it's 7:15pm and they are only on boarding group 92. You never know.
But chances are group 120 will get to go on, just lateeeee tonight.

You can and will get on this ride. 

I am telling you NOTHING about it, except it is the greatest thing Disney has ever done.
It was incredible and out of this world...literally. (I'm around Justin too much, the dad jokes are seeping in lol)
You will be talking about it for a while.
Enjoy it.

May the force be with you. xo Kelsie

Don't forget to read Part One of Disney School! Tips & tricks for Disneyland and California Adventure!

Then check out Part Three of Disney School : Chef Approved Favorites from Disneyland and California Adventure!

Plus Part Four of Disney School: Disneyland with Babies and Toddlers! 

For more about Disney, motherhood, relationships, friendships and giveaways, follow along at @kelsieishappy!

Coming soon...  
Babies at Disneyland / California Adventure 
Toddlers at Disneyland / California Adventure
What to wear to Disneyland / California Adventure 
Staying at the California Adventure Hotel 
Discounts at Disneyland / California Adventure 


  1. Yay I’m so glad you gave these tips! We’re going soon and we need all the help we can get!

  2. Seriously, so stressful! We went OPENING WEEKEND, and it was nuts. We got boarding group 72 and got on around 7:45! But, it was incredible. Best ride of my life!!

  3. Lovin finding someone just as obsessed with Disney as my kiddos and I are!

  4. I love all things Disney! Congrats on your new blog!

  5. You’re the cutest!!! I can’t to hear more tips!

  6. I would like to add that we had bought or tickets for a February after hours night at Disneyland and because of those it wouldn’t link right and wouldn’t let us join a boarding group. Thank goodness a cast member told us that would be an issue in time and we were able to do it on my sister in laws phone.

  7. Kelsie I love you!! Brandon and I have been wanting to plan a trip. Love all your tips, I WILL be reaching out to you when we start planning!

  8. I am so glad that I read this post! I had no idea about the process to get on Rise of the Resistance. We’re going in a few weeks for 3 days and had I not read this we maybe would have gone on the ride once. We are going on this ride everyday we are there now! You literally just saved us! Thank you!

  9. I’m a Disney noob 😂 so I am so excited to follow your blog! Such a fun idea, Kels!

  10. Thank you for making this for everyone who have never done the ride! My husband and I were super blessed we got in too! We didn't know of anyone who were able to ride this ride so no one told us the tricks and we had to learn on our own but thank goodness my husband read about the ride in the app before we went so we knew we had to be there early and have apps of our own and join the group right at 8. God came into play because we didn't know our tickets need to be scanned to be able to get a pass so we were blessed to have our tickets scanned by 759 and man, if we were a minute late, we probably wouldn't have gotten it! I hope I could win your give away so I can gift it to someone who has never been to Disneyland and it would be awesome!

  11. I love Disney! I cant wait to go in a few years when my kids are a little older and will fully enjoy it!
    -Kayli Garvin (@kabuc on Instagram)
