Thursday, October 18, 2018

Buhl Family September

Boy, September was a complete blur.
September 3 was when Justin went into the hospital and our world have been upside down ever since. I am limited on what I can discuss regarding the matter at this time, but he is alive and that is what matters (it's scary to look back and see that this could've not been the case).

Busting out of the hospital was the best day we had. Lol
I want to write down the gratitude I feel for the people who have helped us during this time. The prayers, the texts, the thoughts, the visits, the love, the meals, the laughs you have provided throughout this time have held us up in a time when we often felt like we were drowning.

Our sweet boy is 8 months old and time is flying. He is crawling and standing up and laughing and it by FAR the cutest member of out family (&this planet).

We cannot get enough of him. He has this pleasant disposition always. He is just always having a good day. He loves to smile and talk and laugh. He loves to meet new people.
He will let anyone hold him and doesn't get upset if Justin or I leave.

September was a month of learning. My faith is growing.
My whole life the Lord has been trying to teach me patience.
By nature, I am filled with worry and anxiety until everything is settled....which makes for a very stressful journey.
He keeps trying to tell me, "I am with you and I will take care of you."
I'm working on it ;)

Right now we are home-ridden but we have the new Mario Party so come play with us. Haha!
Life is a journey but at least we all have each other.

xo Kels

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