Monday, August 7, 2017

Knocked UP

If you are doing the math in your head, we literally got married & got pregnant on the same day. 
What in the world. 

I felt so strongly that it would take me some time to get pregnant. 
I think this came from fear because I have a lot of people in my life who have struggled with infertility in some form. *(Please read disclaimer at the bottom). 
But 3 & half weeks later, I took a test & it read, pregnant

I am 14 weeks & some change now. The first trimester was a JOKE.
I'm not even going to lie to you, it was HORRIBLE. I was seriously cursing pregnancy in every way. 
I still am thinking this will be my first and LAST pregnancy...Kind of kidding, kind of not. 
Here is the picture I sent out to Justin's family to announce I was pregnant. LOLOL

I was so sick. As most of you are aware, I am a two time food poisoning survivor. Pregnancy put it to SHAME. It was never ending nausea. Like I was about to be sick, but nothing would come out.
Until it did. I made a home in the bathroom until I eventually went to the hospital.
They put me on medicine, 4 pills a day and one in the middle of the night, and I've been on it ever since. 

I tried every home remedy...nothing worked. 

Here have been the weird things pregnancy has caused (so I never forget, when I think I want another one): 

-Crippling Nausea
-Craving one meal only, unable to eat anything else but that
-Instantly Starving. There is no build up, instant HANGER
-Hate all smells. I couldn't even stand the smell of my own body soap. 
-Fatigue (especially from medication) I was sleeping ALL DAY LONG 

I will have to add things as they come to mind. There have been so many things that are adjustments. 

If I can say one thing, it's GOD BLESS JUSTIN. 
Ladies, pick the right person. Justin has been the rock to this entire situation. 
He completely took over financially, as a house keeper, and as a nurse (hottest nurse ever). 

I was forced to let him take care of me in some really weird ways and he always makes me feel loved and beautiful. Bless him, bless him, bless him. 
Some how he still find me hot through all the things he has seen LOL. 

We find out at the end of the month what we are having and I cannot wait.
We both talk to the baby like he is a HE. So if he is a SHE, I will be shocked. 
And horrified to have a child that is anything like myself. Start praying for us either way. 

I will be sharing all the details of this pregnancy, so if you have questions (OR ADVICE!!!) let me know!!! 

Thank you for loving us. We love you back. 
Xo Kelsie 

*My heart truly aches for people that struggle with infertility. I cannot even begin to imagine the suffering that comes with such a righteous desire. I have cried so many tears on behalf of people in pain, even got angry with my Father in Heaven because of it. He can take it, and I think He's forgiven me. 
If this is your struggle, my heart is with you. Any of my most painful moments, I have wailed to my Heavenly Father, told him EXACTLY how I was feeling and asked Him how I was supposed to get through it. He always provided some relief. 
If you need a listening ear, or someone to cry with, I am here always. 

1 comment :

  1. Pregnancy has its ups and downs, but so worth it in the end girl! You just have to make it there !! Also for future pregnancies everyone is different!!
