Sunday, August 4, 2019

15 Months.

I need to start getting all my photos in one place, so I am back to blogging.
Getting all my thoughts down in writing has always been a positive thing for me.
The more I open up about my life, the more connection I have always found.
I have such a great little community.

Here is the update in Buhl world.
Life is relatively back to normal. As normal as we ever get I suppose.
Justin is healing and figuring out how to get back to feeling good again.
Work in progress but it's PROGRESS. We are grateful.
Justin is the saint in our home. Stoic and I are very lucky.

I am 7 months pregnant and feeling good! The first trimester was the same HORROR as before.
I swore up and down this was the last baby again. We will see. Don't expect another pregnancy announcement for years. We have a name but we are gonna hold it again until birth.
The response from the family went like this.
"I don't like it."
"I guess I will grow to like it like I grew to like the name Stoic."
"I knew a ****** back in my town growing up and he cheated on his wife with everything that moved." (My personal favorite...)

So far, so good. LOL But we LOVE the name obviously and he will be my sweet baby that I smooch all the days. Due date is August 20th, in the dead of summer. Pray for me.

Stoic is 15 months old!!!!! 
He is the most incredible child, I absolutely love him.

Some of my favorite things about him.
-He is eternally happy. He just has a happy disposition. Homeboy is just trying to have a good time.
-He is an excellent sleeper. 7pm-7am every night. Bless him and Heavenly Father for giving me him.
-He is so smart. He really gets things, he's a mimicker.
-He is already going potty on his baby toilet. Prodigy? At least in the world of bowl movements.
-He loves music, especially French rap. He gets DOWN.

He is also his mothers child which means he is doesn't take well to the word no (ignores it completely). He is fearless and when we tell him "Stop,  danger",  he looks, laughs and keeps going about his business.
We are hoping his listening skills develop over the next 18 years, right now we're off to a rough start. lol

He loves to sign and it has been so helpful. He know please, food, more, water, and bird. He should know way more but I am a slacker, but these 5 are SO HELPFUL.

He truly is the light of our lives. He is such a treat, we love bringing him out and about. He makes us laugh ALL DAY LONG. We feel so blessed he is ours.

Being a mother is so fulfilling. It is also tiring. Somedays I think, "How many more years do I have to entertain & be bossed by this child!?" and then I think of my relationship with my mom and I will never end. LOL

Parenthood is the closest to God I have ever felt.

I am hoping to blog more, so thanks for being here.
xo Kelsie