Sunday, January 15, 2017

2016. First of all, how dare you.

I feel like 2016 did everyone very dirty. Everyone has been taken through the ringer and barely made it out alive on the other side. I actually had a very GREAT 2016, but 2017 is attacking me. I am currently in bed on day 2 of food poisoning. Yes you heard that right. FOOD POISONING. I had it for the first time ever last year in June (maybe 2016 wasn't so good...) and I have been on high alert ever since. Like if food was out of a properly regulated fridge for more that 3 minutes, this girl wasn't eating it. 
Well this son of a GUN hunted me down and here I am. Violently jumped by food poisoning. 

I think this is a good time for reflection. Since I'm stuck in bed anyways. 
Here's what 2016 taught me. 

1. Life is one big loop and nothing is random. 
When really crappy stuff happens it literally feels like a very permanent situation. At church last Sunday our Stake Relief Society Presidency taught and one of the women said " In the scriptures it says 'It came to pass', not 'it came to stay'." uhhhhh HELLO. Isn't that the truth? 
Life is good, then its crappy, then its great, then its learning, then its grand, then its hard, then its fun. 
Such is life. But every things happens for a reason. Don't you hate that I just said that, I kinda hate myself for saying it. 
But Heavenly Father has a plan and if you're in a crappy phase, I PROMISE there is purpose. 
I am currently dating the man of my dreams, and I look back and see very clearly the path I have taken to find him. All was necessary. Even the hard stuff. 
I like knowing life isn't random. 

2. I owe people a lot more grace that I'm giving them. 
I learned in 2016, I am giving people too much of a hard time, especially those that are closest to me. It's funny, when I make a mistake or I am having a hard day, I just wanna scream " Can everyone cut me some SLACK?!" But when my loved ones are a toe off base, I'm allllllll over it. 
I need to give people a break. When I ditch out on plans, I just want people to understand that I am busy or tired or whatever. When someone bails on me, HOW DARE THEY. 
That is so freaking lame. I don't want to be that person. My word for the year is grace. 
Every day I am begging Heavenly Father to stick with me and give me His grace, yet I can't give it to the ones I love most? Lame. 
They say "We judge ourselves off our intentions and others off their actions." It just isn't fair. 
So in 2017,  Kelsie gives more grace. 

3.  Take risks. 
Life is nothing without risks. Risks don't always mean jumping out of a plane. Risks can mean any type of getting out of your comfort zone. One big risk I took this year was Justin's family (this sounds weird, stay with me). I have very specific anxiety triggers, that send me to pieces if I am put in them. 
One is meeting my boyfriends family. I freaking hate it. Lol
First Justin invited me to dinner with his sister and her husband...GULP. And THEN the next week Justin invited me over for FATHERS DAY DINNER. I wanted to die. I was thinking of any excuse to get out of it. But I knew I liked this guy. So I mustered every once of confidence I had ( remember that song) and I went. 
And it was so good. Now I am with his family and LEAST twice a week and its just my favorite thing to do. All because I faced my fears. 
Sometimes you have to look your fears in the face and say "suck it, you don't get to control me anymore."

I have hopes for 2017 to be a good year. Mostly because I am going to make it a good year. Even if crappy stuff happens, I am going to suck the good stuff out of it. 
Here are my favorite "stuffs" of 2016. (First one being Justin :) 

DAZI TIES @daziusa

I saw these ties on Pinterest & put them on my board to have the groomsmen wear for my wedding (yes I am that girl). They are literally the best ties ever, so trendy & rad. 
And Justin looks bomb in them, but he also looks good in everything, so there's that. 
If you need a great priced gift for any man in your life, this is it. 

JORD WATCHES @woodwatches_com

Jord Wood Watches reached out to me in order to try their product & I am seriously obsessed. 
They have beautifully constructed wood watches that are so classic. It's a dress it up and dress it down type piece which I love. Justin was so excited to get to have this item in his wardrobe. 
They have mens & women's pieces, so check it out! 
They are offering TWO amazing gifts to my readers. 

1. $25 off any pieces!

2. A contest (ending January 22 at midnight) for $100 dollar gift card! Click the link to enter!

So freaking cool. Take advantage ! 

Blayke & Quinn @blaykeandquinn

A sweet friend of mine just started a jewelry company. If you know me, you know I am not a jewelry girl at all. I find it bulky and it just never suits me. I finally found something I can wear. 
I feel stylish yet not over done. All of her pieces are simple and trendy and can be added to pieces you already have. I'm just happy to have found some jewelry I can wear!!!! 
Check out her IG. All items are under 30 dollars! 

Happy Shopping. And Happy New Year. 
Remember, resolutions don't have to be this big dumb thing that you can't break ever or you have to give it up. Just vow to wake up every day, with an open mind to be a little bit better than you were the day before. 

Talk soon, 
Xo Kels