Thursday, September 7, 2017

We came for the sex.

We had our gender reveal party on Tuesday and it was everything I had hoped for.
We had all of our family over (Justin's family can fill a room right QUICK) to let them know what we found out at the ultrasound a few hours prior.

I would have found out at the party but Justin really wanted to know at the ultra sound & I was cool with it. A week earlier we did the "pendulum test" to find out what it was and they said it was a girl.
You should have seen his face.... I think it was best to NOT see his response live. LOL

So we went with both of our moms to the ultra sound to see the baby for the first time. It was quite an experience.
I haven't felt super connected to this pregnancy because of how sick I got. I felt like I just was in a long episode of food poisoning. But then I saw this sweet baby and melted. I feel like a mom now. Kind of. I'm already bragging that this baby has the cutest most athletic leg in the world (we got a great ultrasound picture) I must be feeling motherhood. Lol

The party was so fun. I bought pink AND blue poppers (had to drive 45 minutes to get these things) and then black taped the ones we were gonna use before the party.
I kept the decor simple, but fun. I saw SO many cute ideas on pinterest, but wanted to save the good stuff for the baby shower.

 These were the photos we just got...we kept the gender one out;) 

 The center picture. Look at that leg...I mean COME ON!!! 

  We did tacos (Carne Asada & Chicken) with all the fixings. It was delllicccciousssss. I always want tacos. So does everyone else. 

Then it was reveal time. 


I have wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember. Nothing will reduce me to tears faster than the thought of an innocent child. All the things they do. All the things they can become. 
Children have this special way about them to really give this perspective to life that I think we lose somewhere along the way as adults. 
I cannot believe that a part of this life is raising children. 
I have so many hopes and dreams for my child. 

I want my child to laugh. I want him to dance with the confidence of the world (hopefully like Justin). I want him to be full of grace and love for the people around them. I want him to know for a surety that his Father in Heaven loves him & will help him.  I want him to be brave. Braver than his mom. 
I want him to have the behind the scenes kindest like his dad. I want him to be kind. 

I'm thankful for this sacrifice & for this blessing.
I think every woman is a mother in some way & I'm thankful for all the examples all around me. 

I'm excited to meet Baby Boy Buhl. 

Xo Kelsie